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100 years ago in Spokane: The Chronicle was planning an exciting new venture for 1922 – a radio station

 (Spokane Daily Chronicle archives)

The Spokane Daily Chronicle announced plans to launch its own radio station, broadcasting from the top floor of the adjacent Review Building.

A federal license was secured for a station to be known as KOE.

“Programs of music, readings and addresses will be broadcasted under the direction of the Chronicle and may be received by all owners of radio phone receiving sets in the Inland Empire,” said R.T. Carr of the Pacific Telegraph Institute, which was licensed to operate the station.

Carr said the station would operate on 10 watts of power and cover a radius of about 100 miles. The station would launch “within the next few weeks.”

From the murder beat: Azalia Wicksell, 23, was arrested in a Spokane rooming house and charged with the murder a year previously of Hobson K. Parker, U.S. Army private, near Fairbanks, Alaska.

She was alleged to have shot Parker with a .38-caliber revolver. She claimed self-defense at the inquest, but subsequent investigation revealed evidence that led to a formal charge of murder.

Authorities planned to take her back to Fairbanks to stand trial.

Also on this day

(From the Associated Press)

1937: The hydrogen-filled German airship Hindenburg caught fire and crashed while attempting to dock at Lakehurst, New Jersey; 35 of the 97 people on board were killed along with a crewman on the ground.

1954: Medical student Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile during a track meet in Oxford, England, in 3:59.4.

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