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100 years ago in Spokane: The sheriff’s latest Prohibition raid led to the arrest of one of his own deputies

 (Spokane Daily Chronicle archives)

Spokane County deputy sheriffs raided a ranch south of Dishman and arrested … a deputy sheriff.

Peter Preston, described as a “special deputy sheriff,” and his son Albert were arrested on charges of making moonshine.

Officers found two stills on the property and watched Peter Preston carrying water to one of the stills. They found him in possession of two bottles of moonshine.

“I have canceled Preston’s appointment as special deputy,” the sheriff said. “He has served as special deputy for many years and when I took office, he presented a petition from residents of that vicinity that he be reappointed, so I granted the request.”

From the transportation beat: Regular auto bus service was scheduled to begin from Spokane to Lake Chelan and from Spokane to Seattle.

The Auto Interurban Co. announced that it would make three trips a week between Spokane and Lake Chelan, and one trip a week between Spokane and Seattle.

The Seattle route would include a stop at Soap Lake, where passengers would spend the night. The Seattle route would not run in the winter.

Also on this date

(From the Associated Press)

1821: Napoleon Bonaparte, 51, died in exile on the island of St. Helena.

1961: Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. became America’s first space traveler as he made a 15-minute suborbital flight aboard Mercury capsule Freedom 7.

2009: Texas health officials confirmed the first death of a U.S. resident with swine flu.

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