Twice President Grover Cleveland dies in New Jersey home
Grover Cleveland died of heart failure in his Westland, New Jersey, home, although the announcement was delayed for a formal statement from his attending physicians.
Cleveland had suffered for years from other health problems, but his death “came like a thunderbolt to those who had been watching his illness.”
“With every resource at hand the physicians worked over their patient,” the story reads. “Finally he lapsed into unconsciousness, and the end came at 8:40 o’clock.”
More than 100 petitions began circulating in Spokane to support the nomination of former Gov. Henry McBride to become the Republican candidate for his old office.
Supporters were asked to join the “Spokane McBride Club,” where they promised to support the club and McBride’s interests.
Mary E. Owen filed a petition in Superior Court asking that her marriage to William Owen be annulled.
Owen said she was unaware of a state law requiring her to wait six months from her previous divorce from Joseph N. Thennes, of Shoshone County, Idaho.