Bird flu detected in Yakima County

A backyard flock in Yakima County tested positive Tuesday for avian influenza, according to a Washington State Department of Agriculture news release.
The positive test marks the 10th county to have confirmed domestic flocks with the highly contagious bird flu, with a total of 18 infected flocks statewide.
All infected flocks have had contact with wild waterfowl, which are known to transmit the virus without necessarily being affected by it, the state agency said.
Since the illness was first detected in Washington a month ago, the WSDA has been urging flock owners to devote all efforts to protecting flocks, especially keeping domestic flocks isolated from wild waterfowl.
State veterinarian Dr. Amber Itle cautioned bird owners to withdraw from exhibitions or fairs until at least the end of June, and has requested that live bird markets discontinue sales temporarily.