State FBLA results
Winners from the April 20-23 State FBLA Leadership Conference, held in Spokane have been announced. More than 300 students from the northeast region competed in various business-related tasks. Competitors finishing fourth or above from the state competition will have the opportunity to compete at the National FBLA Conference in Chicago, at the end of June.
The following area high school students finished first through 10th place in their respective categories:
Accounting I: Tiffany Altermatt, East Valley High School, second place; Neha Kommareddy, Central Valley High School, sixth place.
Accounting II: Ally Slahtasky, Davenport High School, first place; Pyper Cagle, Cheney High School, seventh place; Katelyn Bell, Davenport High School, ninth place.
American Enterprise Project: Holden Iverson, Yvette Davey, Kaytlyn Shafer, Levi Hardung, Odessa High School, first place; Gracie Conley, Trenton Hlookoff, Jayden Lentz, Freeman High School, second place.
Banking and Financial Systems: Neha Commreddy, Sarthak Shrestha, Brian Zang, Central Valley High School, fourth place; Serenity Hendricks, East Valley High School, seventh place.
Broadcast Journalism: Taylor Denenny, Jack Schneider, Braidyn Teague, third place; Mackenzie Lutz, Dakota Steward, Sean Widger, Odessa High School, fourth place.
Business Communication: Jason Hatfield, Cheney High School, fourth place; Ashley Boswell, Freeman High School, ninth place.
Business Ethics: Tenaya Belysby, Mika Corneil; Nia Guest, Cheney High School, eighth place.
Business Financial Plan: Zackary Bruce, Grayson Denkas, Davenport High School, first place.
Business Management: Parker Cagle, Piper Cagle, Cheney High School, eighth place.
Business Plan: Zach Claassen, Colin Martin, Gage Starkel, first place; Katelyn Bell, Selah Hupp, Samantha Odenrider, eighth place.
Client Services: Sydney McLean, Freeman High School, first place; Kate Schneider, Freeman High School, sixth place; Maddy Phillips, Freeman High School, ninth place.
Coding and Programming: Bryson Cotton, Dallin Cotton, Freeman High School, sixth place.
Community Service Project: Ashlyn Neilsen, Viet Tran, Chloe Winkler, Reegan Carstensen, Casen Neilsen, Corybn Neilsen, Odessa High School, first place; Nolan Holt, Jack Schneider, Jenny Sharp, Freeman High School, fourth place.
Computer Applications: Viet Tran, Odessa High School, fourth place.
Computer Gaming and Simulation Programming: Bryson Cotton, Dallin Cotton, Freeman High School, second place.
Computer Problem Solving: Jason Hatfield, Cheney High School, second place; Cameron Teresi, Cheney High School, third place; Dylan Thornbert, Cheney High School, fifth place; Spencer Sheffler, East Valley High School, 10th place.
Cyber Security: Aaron Johnson, Central Valley High School, first place; Cameron Teresi, Cheney High School, third place; Kameron Russel, East Valley High School, fifth place; Micah Richardson, Cheney High School, sixth place.
Data Analysis: Zackary Bruce, Davenport High School, third place; Zach Classen; Viet Tran; Chloe Wrinkler, Odessa High School, seventh place.
Data and Design: Emme Murray, Cheney High School, second place.
Digital Video Production: Lily Starkel, Bo Walter, Casen Watson, Odessa High School, third place; Tenaya Belsyby, Micah Corneil, Nia Guest, Cheney High School, seventh place; Amelia Ross, Anna Ross, Ellen Young, Wilbur High School, 10th place.
E-business: Ryan Utley, Davenport High School, third place.
Economics: Finn Syrie, Cheney High School, 10th place.
Entrepreneurship: Andres Aquilera; Marcos Marroquin; Zachary McCiveran, East Valley High School, third place; Ramona Robinson; Srikar Surapaneni, Ridgeline High School, sixth place.
Graphic Design: Reegan Carstensen; Kathryn Finch; Zane Hamper, Odessa High School, third place.
Health Care Administration: Cody Jenkins, Davenport High School, third place.
Help Desk: Cameron Teresi, Cheny High School, first place; Joaquin Mendoza, Cheney High School, third place; Aaron Johnson, Central Valley High School, fifth place.
Hospitality and Event Management: Ashley Boswell; Lily Jones; Cameron Lamotte, Freeman High School, third place; Elliot Edminster; Ramona Robinson, Ridgeline High School, sixth place.
Human Resource Management: Mika Corneil, Cheney High School, seventh place; Katherine Stenfors, Central Valley High School, eighth place.
Impromptu Speaking: Sarthak Shrestha, Central Valley High School, second place.
Insurance and Risk Management: Bemjamin Donahue, East Valley High School, third place; Garret Baumgartner, Freeman High School, fourth place; Garrett Heuett, Cheney High School, ninth place; Grayson Danekas, Davenport High School, 10tth place.
International Business: Chloe Hall, Sunni Ng, Dory Doty, Colfax High School, ninth place.
Introduction to Business Presentation: Hayden Schuh, Chad Strebeck, Jared Valverde, Odessa High School, third place.
Introduction to Business Procedures: Teagan McGee, Cheney High School, seventh place.
Introduction to Event Planning: Chloe Hall, Sunni Ng, Colfax High School, eighth place.
Introduction to FBLA: William Adamson, Central Valley High School, 10th place.
Introduction to Information Technology: William Adamson, Central Valley High School, second place; Spencer Sheffler, East Valley High School, ninth place.
Introduction to Public Speaking: Dean Deakins, East Valley High School, seventh place.
Introduction to Social Media Strategy: Corbin Neilsen, Jacob Scrupps, Jared Valverde, Odessa High School, sixth place; Emma Hollen, Ella Jones, Freeman High School, 10th place.
Job Interview: Sydney McLean, Freeman High School, first place; Madeline Tate, Colfax High School, fifth place; Emily Scrupps, Odessa High School, sixth place.
Journalism: Nia Guest, Cheney High School, fifth place; Cameron Lamotte, Freeman High School, seventh place.
Local Chapter Annual Business Report: Group Entry, Odessa High School, first place; Group Entry, Davenport High School, third place.
Management Information Systems: Keenan Hahn, Garrett Heuett, Joaquin Mendoza, Cheney High School, third place; Draven carter, Connor Gail, Luke Lisonbee, Cheney High School, fourth place; Jason Hatfield, Emme Murray, Charlie Rajewski, Cheney High School, fifth place; Luke Hurd, Jonathon Ramsey, Cheney High School, eighth place.
Marketing: Mika Corneil; Fin Syrie, Cheney High School, fifth place.
Network Design: Aaron Johnson, Central Valley High School, first place; Jonathon Ramsey, Micah Richardson, Dylan Thornbert, Cheney High School, third place; Keenan Hahn, Garrett Heuett, Luke Hurd, Cheney High school, fourth place; Joaquin Mendoza, Ben Schreiber, Cameron Teresi, Cheney High School, fifth place; Draven Carter, Connor Gail, Luke Lisonbee, Cheney High School, sixth place.
Networking Infrastructures: Aaron Johsnon, Central Valley High School, first place; Connor Gail, Cheney High School, third place; Draven Carter, Cheney High School, fourth place; Micah Richardson, Cheney High School, ninth place.
Organizational Leadership: Trenton Hlookoff, Freeman High School, ninth place; Emily Scrupps, Odessa High School, 10th place.
Parliamentary Procedure: Cody Jenkins, Elizabeth Swiger, Cady Zellmer, Ally Slahtasky, Davenport High School, second place.
Partnership with Business Project: Group entry, Odessa High School, first place; Group Entry, Davenport High School, second place.
Political Science: Jason Hatfield, Cheney High School, second place; Cody Jenkins, Davenport High School, eighth place.
Public Service Announcement: Tessa Cormier, Selah Hupp, Davenport High School, seventh place.
Public Speaking: Jack Schneider, Freeman High School, fourth place.
Publication Design: Lily Jones; Cameron Lamotte, Kate Schneider, Freeman High School, third place.
Securities and Investments: Brian Zhang, Central Valley High School, seventh place.
Social Media Strategies: Juliette Aguilar, Katherine Stenfors, Central Valley High School, seventh place.
Spreadsheet Applications: Parker Cagle, Cheney High School, third place.
Supply Chain Management: Luke Hurd, Cheney High School, fourth place.
Website Design: Ben Schreiber, Cheney High School, first place.
Word Processing: Ashley Boswell, Freeman High School, fourth place.