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Letters for July 5, 2022

Leftist fodder

I just read the letter from the delusional Rebecca King (“It could be much worse,” June 26), although it could be much worse, I’d like to address a couple things she totally got wrong.

Biden is nowhere near the unifier you think he is, quite the opposite. Comparing gas prices around the world doesn’t prove anything actually. You do realize that every currency does not have the same value?

Your blame everyone else but Biden is typical leftist fodder. Do yourself a favor, turn off CNN and join us in the real world.

Brad DeLorme


Unintended consequences

With the reversal of Roe, 26 states are moving or have moved to restrict abortions. The time permitted varies but some states have declared that life begins at conception and as soon as the cell divides it has all the rights and privileges attendant to the state‘s citizens.

So I guess it follows that every pregnant woman who takes a drink before she knows she’s pregnant, who exercises too vigorously or not enough, who continues medication that might harm the fetus, who smokes, who gains too much or too little weight who engages in any activity that puts the pregnancy at risk even if this occurs before she is aware that she has conceived is guilty of child endangerment. Ignorance is no excuse.

Unintended consequences.

Tim Gardner


Hey legislators: Legislate

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are leaders of the majority party in the two branches of the national legislature. Associated with “legislature” is “legislation” laws. Overturning Roe v. Wade permits legislatures to legislate abortion law. If they truly believe killing babies up to, including and perhaps beyond the moment of birth should be permitted, they should introduce legislation to that effect. One might think fulfilling the most basic duty and responsibility of their office would be satisfying.

William Manuel


Vote Maggie Yates

Maggie Yates is running for Spokane County Commissioner against Al French in the 5th District. Under our current County Commissioner leadership, our unsheltered homeless population has grown by 50% over the past two years according to the latest point-in-time count. The burden of

homelessness falls on our businesses, neighborhoods and cities across our county. The County Commissioners have dodged this problem like our winter pot holes. That’s not leadership, that’s laziness. Some believe that homeless people are simply lazy.

I’ve lived in Cheney for 19 years. I’ve never missed a rental payment. I’ve served the area as a church pastor and prison chaplain. Yet in April, I was forced to leave my apartment of nine years by new owners. I was given 22 days to find an apartment in the Cheney market where there were literally none listed except for college students. I was homeless for two weeks and might still be were it not for the amazing kindness of dear friends. Unfortunately not many people have the resources I have. They desperately need our help.

As the Spokane County Regional Law and Justice Administrator, Maggie demonstrated her ability to tackle our most difficult problems and do it in a manner that is effective and inclusive. She knows firsthand how our County Government functions and will work to make it serve everyone. She will

bring her experience, youthful energy and proven leadership skills to help ease our homelessness crisis.

Ron Baer


Ship of the Fools

Spokane’s radical left, foaming at the mouth anti-gun activists continue to ignore several irrefutable facts about the AR-15 rifle.

The AR-15 is still used safely and responsibly by millions of Americans. It’s the ideal rifle for defense of self, nation and to defend against tyranny. Is that why subversives want it gone?

FBI data shows that more people are killed by hands, feet and blunt objects than by AR-15 rifles! The media chooses to publish hysterical anti-gun editorials and NRA bashing cartoons while censoring opposing viewpoints. Is that what democracy is all about?

“Gun reform” and “gun safety” are euphemisms for gun confiscation. The Republican Party continues to use logic and common sense regarding guns, not hysteria and emotionalism.

What’s the real reason for this frenzied push to ban the AR-15? In a letter to a shooting sports magazine, Dell Feller wrote, “you can’t have a communist government and an armed populace at the same time.” Congressman Steve Scalise blames this disarm America campaign on “socialist democrats.”

Watching the machinations of the anti-gun crowd, from Spokane to New York City, reminds me of that classic cult movie, “Ship of the Fools.”

Curt Stone


Justice system in the U.S.

A lady gets arrested for shoplifting $10 worth of groceries, goes to court. We have an ex-president who lies to his people and tries to overturn a fair election, to ruin our democracy. He starts a riot on Jan. 6 that cost five lives, hundreds of officers and participants injuries, plus thousands in damages. No punishment received. Is this a great country or what?

Anthony Burke



All I know for sure is if I wanted to get a group to camp out in one of the most visible places in the city (division between Sprague and Riverside) we would get run off. This new camp forming there is giving every taxpaying resident the middle finger. This city has a ton of places to camp for the summer, the gateway to our city absolutely should not be that place. Trying to play nice to these people is a foolish endeavor that’s going to blow up in our faces.

Rob Breidenbach


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