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Letters for Jan. 10. 2022

Democracy is in danger

Our democracy is facing a real existential threat. Things started to move in this direction when our historical and peaceful transfer of power in presidential elections did not happen this last election.

Before and after the 2020 election, Trump claimed voter fraud. No evidence of this, of any significance, ever surfaced. Sixty-plus court cases across the country, said the same. Attorney General Bill Barr and Chris Krebs, cybersecurity expert, both Republicans, said the same.

Currently, legislators in D.C. are preparing to vote on legislation to strengthen voting rights across the country, thus counteracting Republican efforts in many states to restrict voting. This legislation passing is vital to our democracy.

So, it falls on we the people to support voting rights in this country, and to search for truth in political matters. If you are not supporting truth in political matters, such as searching multiple news sources, you are part of democracy’s decay.

J. Gary Kavanagh


I’ll buy your season tickets

This letter is in response to Patti Berg’s letter about the “Unmasked basketball attendee” (Jan. 6).

Please, do think twice and don’t renew your season tickets for Gonzaga men’s basketball games. There are tens of thousands of us who would love to have them.

Brandon West


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  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
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(509) 459-3815

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