Love Stories: Mary Manley and Eric Lee

Eric and I met in 2016 at the USS Frank E. Evans’ reunion in Buffalo, New York. My former husband served on the ship during the Vietnam War, and Eric served on the HMS Melbourne.
On June 3, 1969, the two ships collided off the coast of Vietnam in a horrific collision that cut the Evans in half and caused the deaths of 74 men. Men from the Melbourne always attend the reunions, and this was the first reunion for Eric.
When I came down for breakfast, I saw Eric sitting at a table by himself. I heard a voice saying, “Don’t let him sit by himself,” so I didn’t, and the rest is history.
It took about two years of paperwork, and in December we got the word that he was cleared to come to the U.S. He arrived on the 19th and on Dec. 28 we were married at the Hitching Post in Coeur d’Alene!
This wonderful man left his home, family and friends to be with me!