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Letters for Dec. 23, 2022

What did Trump mean?

Here we go again: People diving into the shallow end of the thought pool before checking the real depth of the facts. Those who think Trump “called for the ‘termination’ of the Constitution” based on an out-of-context quote from known Trump haters ought to have the sense to at least “trust but verify” the complete truth. The Spokesman-Review recently published (Dec. 7) an opinion piece by one of them, Marc Thiessen. “Trump’s call to ‘terminate’ the Constitution demonstrates he’s spinning out of control.” Thiessen would do well to heed his own words about “spinning,” as much as “spinning out of control.” So would those who take such secondhand “information” and write letters to the editor.

The highly respected investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson published a commentary, also on Dec. 7, about an article written by Mark Fitzgibbons and published the day before in the journal, “American Thinker” that explains Trump’s quote in the context of the recent explosive revelations from Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter files.

Attkisson’s commentary can be found by searching: Sharyl Attkisson and “terminate the Constitution another Charlottesville hoax?” Her commentary includes the first part of Fitzgibbons’ article with a link at the end to the full article. Those with any sense of objectivity and integrity will read the entire article.

President Trump actually sought to defend the Constitution against the federal government bureaucracy (DOJ/FBI) that is increasingly “annihilating” our Constitution.

Look at the Twitter assault against free speech. And more.

Bob Strong


Scoundrels on parade

Picture the wonderful holiday victory parade featuring Putin and Trump, arm in arm. Perhaps all of Trump’s remaining base could attend. One-way airfare paid for through Steve Bannon’s “We Build the Wall” veteran fundraiser scam.

Dave McKenna

Coeur d’Alene

No need to rush

I’m displeased with County Commissioners Al French and Josh Kerns for “ramming through” a controversial ballot measure for next November to build a new county jail. If they had waited until January, our two new commissioners, Chris Jordan and Amber Waldref, could have had a say in the decision. Even the third current commissioner didn’t vote because she was out of town.

Two out of five possible commissioners voted – not very representative.

Laverne Meekhof


Police competence

It is obvious from the verbiage spewed by Natalie Gibb (“Police incompetence,” Dec. 12), that she is anti-police and ignorant to the investigation tactics of law enforcement.

Gibb, would you have the police department give all their information out so the person responsible for the crime would know if the police are close to his apprehension, or would it be smarter to keep him in the dark enabling a quicker solution to the arrest?

I am surprised at the lack of trust Gibbs and a larger portion of our society seem to generate with their unfounded claims of incompetence. The department offers courses at the Police Academy called Citizens Academy that would benefit you as to the workings of law enforcement. I worked in law enforcement and take umbrage to your bias.

Norman Evans


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