WDFW officer saves four lives in less than a year

An officer with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife saved four lives in 2021 and the beginning of 2022, including two in the same day.
WDFW Jacob Schrader was honored last week for the heroics.
In May of 2021, Schrader was the first on scene of an unconscious individual who was not breathing, according to an agency release. Schrader rolled him over to open the airway and EMS arrived, providing him with a airway device that he inserted into the nasal passageway to open the airway.
The same day, Schrader responded to an unconscious one year old who was turning blue. Schrader, who was first on scene, transported the infant to the hospital himself, simultaneously performing CPR and driving. The baby regained consciousness and was released from the hospital later, according to the release.
But Schrader wasn’t done.
In January of 2022, Jacob and a Ferry County Deputy responded to a remote address for a report of a subject yelling for help. The officers had to hike into the area due to snow levels and found a subject who had had a stroke, according to the release. Schrader improvised a stretcher from household items and he and the deputy carried the subject through deep snow to awaiting EMS.
Finally, in April 2022, Schrader responded to a subject choking at a restaurant in Republic. He performed the heimlich maneuver and dislodged food stuck in the subject’s airway. The diner quickly regained consciousness and was able to breathe on his own.