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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Jury convicts former Spokane police officer in rapes of two women; Nash acquitted of other rape charge, unlawful imprisonment

A jury convicted former Spokane police officer Nathan Nash on Tuesday of raping two women.

Nash had been on trial for three rape charges involving two victims. The jury found that Nash raped both women, but he was found not guilty of a second rape charge for the now-25-year-old woman and unlawful imprisonment related to the now-41-year-old woman.

There was little reaction in the courtroom as Spokane County Superior Court Judge John Cooney read the verdict. Nash’s young son’s sobs echoed through the courtroom as Nash was handcuffed and taken into custody.

One of the victims stood, silently sobbing. As Nash’s wife, Kristeen Nash, exited the courtroom, she pointed a finger at her and said, “I will get the truth out.”

She loudly repeated the phrase, punctuated with expletives, as she walked down the courthouse hallway.

The women accused Nash, 39, of raping them during follow-up visits to physical assaults he responded to in his role as a Spokane police officer.

The 25-year-old woman testified Nash pulled down her pants while looking at a bruise from the initial assault and put his fingers inside her in October 2019. He was convicted of raping her in the third degree but was acquitted of second-degree rape.

Another woman, now 41, testified that Nash was looking at the bruising on her leg from a physical assault in July 2019 when he put his hand into her underwear. He then pushed her onto the couch and raped her, the woman testified last week. He was convicted of raping her in the second degree with aggravating circumstances for violating the trust she had in him as a law enforcement officer.

The jury began deliberating shortly after noon on Monday and returned a verdict before 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Nash maintained his innocence throughout the trial and testified he never assaulted either woman. That included numerous Facebook posts Tuesday in which he identified both women and cast doubts on their credibility.

After his client was taken into custody, Wayne Fricke said the split verdict was “unusual” and indicated that Nash will likely appeal.

Nash is still awaiting trial on one count of official misconduct related to a third victim.

Following the verdict, the Spokane Police Department issued a statement thanking the women for coming forward.

“SPD is grateful the victims of Nathan Nash were afforded some justice today, while we also acknowledge nothing can undo the damage caused,” the statement read. “SPD would like to recognize the courage the victims exemplified by coming forward which enabled the criminal justice system to hold Nash accountable for his conduct.”

Nash betrayed his oath as a police officer and violated public trust, the statement read.

“His actions are inexcusable and today the court, a jury of his peers, held him accountable for his actions,” according to the statement.

This is the second time in less than five years that a Spokane police officer has been convicted of a sex crime.

In March 2018, a jury convicted Gordon Ennis of second-degree rape for assaulting a fellow officer at a party. He was sentenced to seven years to life in prison.

Nash’s sentencing is set for Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m.