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Re-elect Dan Hansen

Dan Hansen has proven during his 7 years as a member of the West Valley School Board as dedicated to providing equitable access to the tools every student needs to succeed. WVSD has been highly successful helping students reach their full potential, with a graduation rate that’s gained statewide notice.

Over the past 6 years, I have worked closely with Dan advocating at the state and federal level on behalf of all 29 northeastern Washington school districts. Dan has fought for local control of education decisions, expanded high-speed internet and other technology, multiple pathways for student success and school safety.

With more than 30 years as a school board member in a neighboring district, I know that it is particularly important to have experienced, dedicated school board members at this challenging time. I care about who serves on the West Valley School Board, even though I can’t vote in the election. Our districts share much in common and collaborate in service to our students and the greater Spokane Valley area.

Dan Hansen has proven that he has the knowledge, intelligence and dedication to guide the West Valley School District in its commitment to providing outstanding education for each of their students

Vote for Dan Hansen for West Valley School Board Position #1.

Cindy McMullen

Spokane Valley

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