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Vaccination reluctance

I don’t understand the opposition to vaccines. My sister and I both had polio in the 1950s. My sister was in an iron lung (no respirators then) and wore a brace on her shriveled right leg for the rest of her life. She had surgery for severe scoliosis and was bedridden in a cast for several months. I was more fortunate by only having one leg shorter than the other and mild scoliosis. We both got the polio vaccine as soon as it was available. I also get the flu shot every year and haven’t had the flu since. My point is that vaccines work! Get them!

I liked the letter in the paper from Brian Kendall on August 29th, when he says quoting God, “I sent you a vaccine, you refused to take it. I did my part.” Great line! All those claiming to refuse a vaccine for religious reasons need to read that line.

Candy Frankel


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