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It was an insurrection

The gentleman from Sandpoint who claims the Jan. 6th insurrection was a riot caused by years of the establishment failing to listen to voters (“End the establishment,” Arlie Kellogg) is wrong on both counts. The failed insurrection was violent but had a specific political purpose: the overthrow of a legitimate election. It was a failed insurrection, not just a riot.

Second, the origins of this insurrection are still being investigated, despite Republican Party attempts to prevent that inquiry. From evidence revealed so far, it appears the insurrection may have been planned by Donald Trump and abetted by white supremacists and ultra-conservative sympathizers in Congress and right-wing media. If anything, the election that put Joe Biden’s and his agenda in the White House and Democrats in charge of Congress is clear evidence that the establishment is indeed listening to the majority of its citizens.

The fact that this gentleman is not happy with the election result doesn’t mean the government has failed us. Maybe his party should spend some time and energy figuring out what the majority of voters want from government and get behind that instead of trying to make criminals out of refugees, killing thousands of Americans with their anti-mask, anti-vaccine campaigns, and passing cynical state laws to preventing black and brown people from voting.

Jim Wavada


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