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Our own Taliban

After watching Afghanistan fall again to the Taliban, I believe that the same thing could happen in America. I see American white Christian nationalists acting just like the Taliban with flags waving behind pickup trucks armed with guns sweeping through rural America. The rest of us, like most Afghans, would roll over in fear.

The police are supported by the people flying defaced blue-line American flags. Local sheriffs have vowed to oppose laws passed by the federal government. In other words, the police would likely join the march of the white nationalists or at least let them terrorize without enforcing the laws.

That leaves the National Guard which many Republican governors have refused in advance to deploy against white mobs opposing the federal government. Would the Guard allow themselves to be nationalized against the state government and local police? I don’t see anyone with the will or means to stop an American-style Christian Taliban from sweeping through our country.

Most of us just want to live a normal life without all the anger and religious opposition to the government. We have seen the screaming violence over public health measures. When the guns come out, our country will be overrun by our own Taliban equivalent. That’s when religious liberty becomes religious terrorism. Christian nationalists with signs and crosses were part of the insurrectionists that stormed our nation’s capital building on January 6.

Pete Scobby


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