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Lish will help us grow

I support Mike Lish for Spokane City Council.

I’m a sixth-generation Spokane resident, have lived here for nearly all of my 40 years and can clearly see that our beloved Lilac City is headed in the wrong direction. We have increasing city taxes and cost of living, but a declining quality of life to show for it. We need to stop following in the footsteps of Seattle and Portland. We can’t have City Council members continually emulating those city’s failed policies. We can and have to do much better!

Mike Lish is ready to bring common sense back to our City Council and redirect us back onto a more positive path. Operating a local family business right here in Northwest Spokane’s 3rd District, Mike deals with problems we deal with every day like break-ins in his business, rising tax burden and an overall anti-business City Council.

Spokane is a moderate city and having a 6-1 super majority on the City Council is terribly unrepresentative of Spokane as a whole. We need a council representative who will work to get resources to the homeless, get them off the streets and back on their feet in a cost-effective manner, consistently support our police department (including their budget) and build a pro-business Spokane so that we can efficiently grow into the future.

I firmly believe we will do this with the help of Mike Lish on our City Council.

Don’t forget to vote on or before November 2nd!

Joshua Orth


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