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Join us and vote for Stan

Nancy and I are supporting Stan Chalich for School Board Position #5

This is a very important school board election! A narrowly focused faction aims to take over the school board through intimidation, conflict and recall. We can not allow this to happen.

The current school board along with Superintendent Ben Small has worked very effectively together and with our community. As a result, school construction issues have received strong community support, learning opportunities have been expanded and graduation rates have increased.

Stan decided to run as a “write in” candidate for the school board after an August 2021 school board meeting was disrupted by “anti-mask” protesters. In his own words, “he doesn’t like bullies” and he won’t allow them to prevail.

Stan has dedicated his adult life to teaching Central Valley School District students and serving our community. He is knowledgeable and will bring a balanced perspective and deliberate approach to school board decision making. And, he will work in collaboration with other school board members to benefit all students.

Central Valley is a highly regarded school district. That level of respect begins with the school board. Please join us in writing in “Stan Chalich” for School Board Position #5.

Wally Stanley

Retired Superintendent

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