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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Riley Smith for School Board

As a teacher, parent, and alumnus of Spokane Public Schools, I support Riley Smith for the school board. Riley will bring a fresh perspective to the board, with an emphasis on the student experience and student voice. He will listen to the advice of experts and health professionals with regard to keeping our students in school safely during this pandemic.

Riley will be a true advocate for all students in SPS and will continue to support the social programs that are needed now more than ever. He has firsthand experience and knowledge of true need in our community as the Operations Fulfillment Coordinator of Feeding Washington. Student equity and access are key features of Riley’s campaign.

When your ballot arrives next week, please vote Riley Smith for Spokane School Board!

Darci Hastings


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  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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