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Inslee abusing his power

It’s been nearly 600 days since Gov. Inslee proclaimed a state of emergency. He continues, to this very day, to issue emergency powers orders without going through the legislature. Gov. Inslee’s most recent order that all state employees and health care professionals must be vaccinated or face termination is a blatant abuse of power. It fully violates the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Washington Law Against Discrimination, and section 2 of the Governor’s Proclamation 21 - 14.

Governor Inslee is demonstrating the same behavior and abuse of power of that is usually seen by communist and socialist governments. And now, sadly, is currently being fully realized by the Australian government. That of stigmatization, humiliation, discrimination, and eventually, isolation of citizens that don’t agree with current government policies. Last month U.S. Rep. Torres from New York submitted a bill to prevent unvaccinated citizens from using any form of public transportation. This bill has strong support at the federal and state level. To any thinking person it’s very simple to see where this type if legislation will lead.

To paraphrase the Family Policy Institute, Gov. Inslee’s job is to protect the rights of the citizens of Washington state, not mandate what we put into our bodies, but he has gone far beyond that and is no longer honoring the Constitution. It is beyond debatable that Inslee has abused his emergency powers and has betrayed the people of Washington.

Jeff Brooks

Spokane Valley

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