Dear Annie 10/9

Dear Annie: I’ve known my friend for nine years. We dated for about two years and then broke up. We were back and forth with each other, so we decided in 2016 that we would get married, but then we ended the relationship again. We remain friends.
Toward the end of 2019, “Edward” got seriously sick. He was so sick that he had two operations that left him with aches and pain, and loss of memory. He remembered things on a day-by-day basis. He will never be able to go back to work; he’s disabled now.
I’ve been helping him out all this time, but now it’s time for his family to take over. I do everything for him because he doesn’t know how to do much anymore.
I advised his family that by the end of the year, I will not be helping him anymore and told them that they need to step up and come take over caring for him. Edward thinks that I’m wrong for this, but he doesn’t understand that I gave up my personal life to be there for him all these years.
For two years, my life has been on hold, and it’s time that I get my life back. He’s telling all his neighbors that I’m leaving him by himself and that he doesn’t know how he’s going to live without help. He needs 24-hour care.
It’s time for his family to help out. To be clear, there’s nothing between Edward and me. We’re just friends. I guess I felt sorry for him because no one else would come when he needed the help.
Please give me some feedback. – Tired Friend in Vegas
Dear Tired: Even though he’s not expressing it, Edward is incredibly fortunate to have someone in his life as compassionate and supportive as you are. Without you, he would likely have had a very different experience these last two years.
With his health deteriorating as quickly and severely as you’ve described, it sounds like the care Edward really needs is beyond what any one person can give him. Now is the time for his family to consider at-home aides or living care facilities equipped with resources and staff that can better and more easily provide for him.
Dear Annie: I am a single 70-year-old lady. I just found out I am going to have to wear a CPAP due to breathing issues when I sleep. Those things are so unattractive.
I would like to find love again, but would a guy understand if I have to wear one at night? Or should I just give up on finding love? – Dare to Dream
Dear Dare: Any man bothered by your sleep setup is clearly not one worthy of lying in your bed.
And don’t overlook the silver lining here: The time in which you’re wearing the CPAP is when you’re fast asleep. Presumably, your Mister will be, too.
“Ask Me Anything: A Year of Advice From Dear Annie” is out now! Annie Lane’s debut book – featuring favorite columns on love, friendship, family and etiquette – is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit for more information.
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