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Retain Dan Hansen

I am a proud West Valley High School graduate — class of 1988 — and love West Valley schools and am committed to seeing them prosper and flourish under great leadership. That is why I support Dan Hansen for WVSD Board Position 1!

I worked with him for nine years and witnessed his commitment to the community:

He is also a member of the Millwood Planning Commission

Helped establish the Millwood Farmers Market and served as an early volunteer

A vibrant and entertaining West Valley High School band volunteer

And, has been a school board member for almost 7 years.

He is a tried and true, born and raised Washingtonian. When we worked together, there was almost never a conversation where he failed to mention Millwood and West Valley. He is equally passionate about advocating for public education.

Dan has had extensive leadership training, both as a graduate of Leadership Spokane, and also as an employee of a local organization that emphasizes everyday leadership, community service and servant leadership.

Above all, Dan is a great listener to all sides of an issue, and deliberative before weighing in! Retain Dan Hansen.

Barb Richey

WVSD alumna 88’

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