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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The story behind the story

While I sincerely applaud Alyssa, the eleven-year-old girl in Florida who fought off her attempted kidnapper with sleep deprivation-induced irritableness, and blue slime, I have to wonder at society’s level of disconnect and tacit acceptance of male violence when the sole focus of the story is a prepubescent girl’s “quick thinking” and knowledge of DNA evidence gleaned from watching “Law and Order SVU,” and not the egregiousness of a man attempting to kidnap a little girl to (possibly) rape, batter, and/or murder.

It’s an amazing story about a little girl with moxie. I guess the rest is too big a story. The one about why a sixth-grader needs to know how to provide the authorities with DNA evidence of her slaughter by some guy.

Jennifer Adams


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