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Media vs. Trump

On May 19, two letters to the editor were very illuminating.

The first was by Dr. John S. Caputo and Dr. Carolyn Cunningham, urging inclusion of media literacy curriculum in public schools which would enable students to assess truth in media reporting. Critical thinking would be a tool to identify truth in reporting.

The second was by Marilyn Calkins, who voted “outside my party” and did not vote for President Trump, “because of his lack of leadership on COVID-19, period.”

Ms. Calkins was only aware of reporting from journalists who “reported” from a never-Trump position, not realizing that the Fast Track program that enabled development of a vaccine in a much shorter time was the president’s leadership in action. He also sent a mercy ship to New York where COVID deaths were spiking. The ship was never used.

Much of the president’s effort was neglected by news media, further enforced by the election reporting which always ignored advances that occurred because of the president’s leadership. Many opposing leaders remarked that they would never get the vaccine because it was promoted by the president.

As a retired teacher, a curriculum that teaches students to use critical thinking to assess media reporting has my full support.

Judy LaMont


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