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‘Too sensitive’?

As a Gen-Zer, I often hear from Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers that my generation is “too sensitive” and we get offended by everything. This sentiment is brought up whenever we denounce problematic statements or actions.

I will admit my generation is sensitive; however, we are not sensitive in the way you think we are. We are sensitive because we have empathy for other people and their lived experiences. Gen-Z is the first generation to not remember a time before cellphones. We live in a time where worldwide communication is easier and more accessible than ever. Social media has allowed us to communicate and connect with people with different opinions, faces and lives than our own.

Through this we became more aware of the world around us and the people in it. We are inspired to actually say or do something about what is going on in the world because now we have the power to make a widespread impact. Call us “snowflakes” but we don’t think racism, sexism, queerphobia and xenophobia are okay, and we don’t want to be bystanders when we know we can do something about it. Calling us “too sensitive” or “offended by everything” only serves to invalidate the change we want to make in the world.

Also, what do you expect from a generation that grew up on “The Hunger Games” and lived through two polarizing elections?

Sol Vandeman

Spokane Valley

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