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Response to Gaza conflict

The recent Spokesman op-ed pieces, from the Washington Post, on the war in Israel deserve a clarifying response. The media, European Union, the UN, and those on the left all exhibit, from the safety of their home offices, anti-Israeli biases every time that country responds to acts of terrorism.

Initiating the current crisis is a domestic legal dispute in Jerusalem regarding property lawfully purchased by Jews during the British Mandate and subsequently seized by Jordan in 1948 and settled by Arabs. Now it becomes an excuse for both riots and rockets. The recurrent, Iranian-backed missile attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad since Israel unilaterally withdrew in 2005 from Gaza (originally controlled by Egypt) completely undermine the concept of a “Palestinian State” existing peacefully alongside Israel.

Furthermore, the civil war between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority AND the lack of a moderate, unified, elected Palestinian governing political body completely undermine the concept of a “negotiating partner” with Israel. In the north, yet another group of Iranian-backed terrorists, Hezbollah, in Lebanon will undoubtedly once again fire their missiles into Israel.

Peace in the Middle East needs to be settled by those living there, not naïve foreign government officials, journalists or reporters lacking knowledge, experiences, or “ some skin in the game”. As usual, the region is relatively quiet and “peaceful” during periods of Israeli strength and support by the US, as during the previous administration.

Joseph Harari


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