Education notebook: G-Prep, Pullman High students awarded National Merit scholarships
Andrew Nordhagen of Gonzaga Preparatory School, Spokane, and Om Sahaym of Pullman High School, have each been selected for a National Merit Scholarship of $2,500. Along with 7,500 other national finalists, Nordhagen and Sahaym were chosen for their accomplishments, skills and potential for success in their individual college studies.
The rigorous selection process includes evaluation of academic record, grades, PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test scores, contributions to leadership and community activities in their respective schools, an essay and written recommendations from a high school official.
SPS camp registration open
Registration for Spokane Public Schools Summer Learning Opportunities is now open. Camps offered include: SPS Summer Camp, July 12-Aug. 5. Free for children in kindergarten through grade 5; SPS Summer ECEAP Preschool Program, July 12-Aug. 5. Free for children ages 3 and 4; Spokane Virtual Learning, June 24-Aug. 4. $120 per student; and Go Fourth Summer Reading Academy, June 28-July 22. Open to students entering fourth grade who were referred by their third grade teacher. Deadline to register is Friday. Visit for more information.
East Valley to host plant sale
East Valley High School FFA students will be hosting their annual plant sale Friday, noon-6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m-3 p.m. in the East Valley parking lot. Featuring cut flowers, flower baskets, vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. Proceeds benefit the East Valley FFA Chapter.