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Vote your conscience

This to all of the citizens who got to vote to keep Albi Stadium in good condition, but your vote was denied by a select few, (namely Mark Richards ), who decided he knew what was best for Spokane and disregarded your votes. I for one am SO TIRED of these people who run

rip-shod over the ordinary citizen.

I live in Mead School District. The same thing happened when a select few decided that Mead High School needed their own stadium to the tune of $42 million. This stadium will be used how many times????. I don’t care which fund this money came from, but feel this amount could have been used for general education purposes.

I wrote to the district and said, because of this amount of money spent, I would never VOTE YES for another levy. When the last levy in February came, I kept my word and voted NO. It was hard and my first time to do so, but will continue.

I feel that this is what those of you whose vote was ignored need to do. When the next #81 levy comes due, VOTE NO It may take a few cycles, but sooner or later the district will get the message loud and clear.

Barb Beck

Colbert, Wash.

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