In the Garden: Master Gardener Foundation hosts ‘Conversations on Nature’

I’ve always noticed that gardeners are resilient and willing to embrace change. Even though the pandemic has made it more challenging for in-person events to take place, local organizations have come up with creative ways to add to our enjoyment while continuing to have a positive impact on our community. Gardeners are enthusiastically embracing these new options.
The Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County is offering new opportunities for gardeners to learn more about their favorite pastime. The “Conversations on Nature” series will feature virtual educational programs given by notable garden experts in May, August and October.
“We held the first ‘Conversations on Nature’ event last fall with author Jennifer Jewell as a way of connecting with our gardening community,” said Cathi Lamoreux, president of the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane.
“It was a really lovely night that showed us we could make a difference and connect with the public. We decided to do a new series for 2021 with an event each quarter. Our Cabin Fever Virtual Gardening Symposium sufficed for the first quarter, and we are now looking forward to presentations in the next three quarters.”
The May session will take place Thursday with presentations by Spokane County Master Gardeners Lynn Pachelli and Pamela Brown. Pachelli will speak on “Annuals and Herbs: Add Zing and Spark to Your Perennial Garden.” She will discuss ways to add color, texture and edibles to your landscape for season-long interest.
Brown’s program is titled “Evaluating Your Site Is the First Step Toward Your Wonderful Garden.” She will draw upon her experience in landscape architecture to share tips on analyzing your existing garden and making sound decisions to create a landscape that reflects your goals and personality.
The Aug. 19 presentations will be given by Marilyn Lloyd and Beth Mort. Lloyd is a Master Gardener, and her program, “Ornamental Grasses for the Pacific Northwest,” will focus on the many reasons to add these easy-care grasses to your landscape. Lloyd will highlight the types of grasses that flourish in the Inland Northwest, as well as their desirable attributes such as providing winter interest in the garden.
Mort, owner of Snapdragon Flower Farm, will share her experience in “Harvesting and Preserving Florals From Your Garden.” She will talk about flowers that are good for drying and preserving, along with tips on growing and harvesting them.
The final session in the “Conversations on Nature” series will take place on Oct. 7 as a live, online presentation. Kim Lango, Master Gardener and owner of Prairie Sky Farms, will guide participants in making a pumpkin centerpiece with succulents and dried flowers. She will also discuss how to grow and dry the floral materials used for this project.
All of the sessions are 7-8:45 p.m.
Susan Mulvihill is author of “The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook.” She can be reached at Watch this week’s “Everyone Can Grow a Garden” video at