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Multicare employees

First and foremost, I would like to thank our neighbors in Spokane and the surrounding communities for choosing Deaconess and Valley Hospitals for your health care. During the time I spend with patients, they continually express how wonderful they are treated and cared for by MultiCare employees. I am proud to be a part of this team. So, thank you for choosing us.

The COVID-19 pandemic is winding down, but health care workers are still dealing with the fallout. There is still much work to do, much care to provide. To compound the stress, MultiCare has come up short in showing its support for the employees — even proposing to eliminate the employee discount for hospital health care services.

Being a nonprofit entity, one wonders: What benefit does MultiCare achieve by cutting workers’ health care benefits? MultiCare is doing well financially; it saw no need to request federal aid during the pandemic. Instead, MultiCare spent $120 million buying and bailing out other health care facilities. And yet, MultiCare chooses to let our wages stagnate while its competitors sign fair contracts with their workers. The employees of MultiCare have been working without a contract since November 2020.

MultiCare, show this community you care about your employees. Show us you care about Eastern Washington.

Rachelle Delcambre


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