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Cheney helping Democrats

This is in response to “GOP is at a turning point,” by Liz Cheney (May 6).

Cheney takes the stance that the 2020 election was legitimate, and questioning the results is “Immensely harmful.” If no discussion is allowed of windows being blocked by cardboard where ballots were being counted, and election observers being turned away, told to stand far away, or sent home early, this just invites lots of skepticism. There is plenty of video proof and witness statements that these things happened. We are supposed to forget the media reports that there was “no fraud” in the last election, but remember that later, there was an admission of “some fraud, but not enough to make a difference.”

Requiring ID for an election is racist, but not so for airport security or to get a library card. Sweeping questions of election security under the rug is not going to make them go away. Cheney and like-minded colleagues are the ones destroying the GOP by hopelessly dividing it. Democrats have reason to cheer.

Craig Detmer


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