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WPC and taxes

Why do you (S-R) insist on labeling the Washington Policy Center as an “independent” research center. Any informed person knows that WPC is not more independent than the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee or the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee. It is purely and simply a Republican (Trumpian)/conservative lobby group and propaganda spreader.

Regarding their May 14th editorial on the capital gains tax (“Let lawsuits begin after capital gains tax adopted by one-vote margin”), if income is property (it is), then it needs to be taxed as property, at the state property tax rates. Since accumulated income (wealth) is also property, it must also be taxed at the property tax rate.

Unlike small personal property, wealth is readily identifiable and trackable, so it’s high time we had a property tax on wealth in addition to real property. It’s mandatory for equal taxation under state law. All stocks, bonds, CDs, savings accounts and other depositories of wealth. (Incidentally, this would also affect me, whereas the CG tax wouldn’t.) And it should also equally apply to all corporations and businesses.

Eric Johnson


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