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Zack has what we need

I am writing to express my deep support for Zack Zappone’s campaign for Spokane City Council.

I first met Zack as a high school student in my Spanish class when he was ASB class president. I’ve watched him grow into the man he is today and he makes me proud! Zack is kind, bright and extremely hard working, and goes above and beyond for those around him. There is no one I’d rather represent our family, and Spokane’s teachers and students.

Zack Zappone doesn’t just talk about equity; he puts it in action. Zack studies all policies through a lens of equity. He’ll make sure everyone impacted by decisions will be involved in the decision-making process and no one is left behind. For example, Zack’s website is the only candidate website translated in other languages, ensuring folks from different backgrounds can get involved.

Zappone will listen to our concerns and work tirelessly to find solutions that work for us all. He will treat our homeless population with the same respect and dignity he shows his students, helping them get the mental health and substance abuse resources they need to get off the streets. Zack will promote public health and safety by helping make our law enforcement more equitable, and ensure working families have a strong advocate on the Council.

Zack Zappone has all the qualities to help make Spokane more equitable and prosperous. I hope you vote for him!

María Esther Zamora


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