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If they’re so wonderful …

In reading Lucy Holt’s letter this morning (“GOP about opportunity,” July 14), I feel she needs to quit looking through her rose colored glasses.

She is portraying a political party that still thinks Trump is the chosen messiah.

If the GOP is so wonderful, why won’t they accept the election and stop all of the recounts … NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The hundreds of lawsuits (all thrown out but two) didn’t change the outcome of the election.

If the GOP is so wonderful, why are so many state legislatures trying to change the voting laws and stop people from voting? If the GOP is so wonderful, I would think they would be out trying to garner votes, not suppressing them.

If they are so wonderful, why didn’t they come up with a health plan( they always claimed they had one) to replace the awful ACA? They NEVER had one — period.

She goes on to say that President Biden has said many racial statements. … where is her proof? She certainly didn’t list any.

We are all aware of Trump’s thousands of lies and derogatory comments about people he doesn’t like or respect.

Recently, it has been said that the reason why he started the “big lie” and was responsible in part for the insurrection was that he knew if he admitted he lost, he would lose his immunity to be prosecuted, and in his narcissistic mind he can’t accept truth.

She needs to stop watching Fox News, Tucker Carlson & Company.

Barb Beck


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