The educator we need
As a retired professor of education (WSU), I believe we need an educator’s perspective on the City Council to represent students and their families. Zack Zappone is the educator we need.
Teachers know the specific challenges facing students and their parents who work hard to support them. Zack Zappone will promote safe and accessible sidewalks and transit so students can walk to school and engage with our community. He will invest in clean and safe parks so children can enjoy the outdoors and the many sports and activities available.
Teachers know that their job is to help students learn, grow and develop, but graduation is just the beginning. Zack Zappone will stimulate economic opportunity with pathways to success after graduating, from apprenticeships and trade schools to community colleges and 4-year universities.
And teachers know that when their students grow up they may not be able to afford Spokane’s rising cost of living. Zack Zappone will use his expertise in urban planning and public policy from Princeton University to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth in Spokane, and invest in affordable housing so young adults can build their families in the city they call home.
Zack is the teacher Spokane’s City Council needs and I hope you join me in voting for him by Aug. 3rd.
Gail Furman