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Credit every American

In response to the letter by William P. Stroyan (“Thank our White forefathers,” July 9):

OMG Mr. Stoyan! I am not aware of anyone piling on the white man and striping him of his dignity nor credit for his accomplishments. Your letter is a perfect example of why the full and truthful history of our country and ALL its people should be required to be taught in every school.

I personally never was told in school about how we had interment camps for Japanese during World War II. I knew little about our treatment of slaves in the early days of this country and am just beginning to learn about all the contributions Latinos make here. There is no need to single out any particular race and pat them on the back, especially NOT the white man. That’s the way we stay divided!

But, if we need to list important accomplishments, here are few items Black people have gifted us with: automatic elevator doors, refrigerated trucks, three-signal traffic light, home security system, central-heating furnace, cellphones!

The credit for our country’s success goes to Americans! Women, men, all colors! And if we are to keep our democracy strong we must love our fellow citizens, all of them! Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party, etc. We don’t have to agree with all of them all the time but we do need to remember that attacking any of them is attacking the very freedoms our country was founded on. Don’t just parrot the words of small minds. Repeating a lie ceaselessly doesn’t ever make it the truth!

Rebecca King


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