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Kearney cares about Spokane

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Karen Kearney for over 10 years in the northwest part of Spokane. During that time, she has worked continuously to make this area of Spokane better and safer for all that live here. During most of that time she has been a neighborhood council chair, working on traffic calming improvements, issuing dump passes and doing good deeds for the sake of her community.

She is now running for City Council in her district. She’s doing it because she cares about Spokane. She is fiscally responsible, retired from a career in banking where she managed 16 branches. Karen can read a balance sheet and knows budgeting. She will make decisions based on logic, not emotion or a political agenda. She has the skill sets needed on city council in my opinion.

Please join me in voting for Karen Kearney as a fiscally responsible and committed public servant.

Victor Frazier


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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