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Are we prepared for another outage?

Like thousands of others in Spokane, on Monday, June 28, my house lost power a little before 2 p.m., and it was not restored until after 9 p.m. My house has a basement, which stays cool, so even without air conditioning I should be safe for some time. As I am 86 years old, I was concerned if this continued. I received two calls from Avista with reports on the situation.

I read the Avista report in The Spokesman on power outages, where they were and their length. I also watched the report on TV news. Hillyard was not listed, and none of those listed had outages as long as ours, Our area outage was about 7.5 hours.

Today, I read Shawn Vestal’s article, and that is the first mention of our area by the Spokesman, though we have apartments with disabled and elderly within a mile of my home. Neither TV nor The Spokesman published advice to the elderly and those with very young children. Are we prepared for another such power outage?

Zona Spaeth


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