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Election fraud insults

To those who still allege the 2020 election was subject to “massive election fraud,” consider: general elections are supervised by paid employees and volunteers at the county level; there are 2,007 counties in the United States; the number of workers in each county must number from a low of a few in small counties to perhaps dozens in larger counties, which means our elections are managed by thousands of individuals from all parties, persuasions and walks of life.

I am not aware that even one of these actual election workers or volunteers has reported or even alleged meaningful errors in the voting process or counting of votes (you can’t count election observers, who are representatives of the major parties and therefore partisan). Every allegation has come from President Trump or individuals with no direct participation in the handling of votes, and not one has provided any actual evidence of fraud. Consequently, to validate those fraud claims, thousands of honest, upstanding and diligent citizens would have to somehow be conspiring to rig the vote. No court has found any evidence that this has happened.

Those claiming the election was rigged are not just rejecting the rule of law, they are insulting the thousands and thousands of honest Americans who work tirelessly to ensure that this country is a nation of laws. When will this madness end?

Steve Blewett


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