Limit congressional terms
I had never been a fan of term limits, but after watching the impeachment trial of the former President, my position has been changed. It appeared that the vast majority of senators felt that Donald Trump was guilty as charged, but 43 of them voted for acquittal because, I believe, they feared the next election cycle.
May I suggest that we limit all in the legislative branch to one six-year term? This would eliminate the worry about any upcoming election, so that each senator and representative could vote her/his conscience. (An additional benefit would be the saving of millions of dollars in political advertising.)
The terms would be staggered, as they are now, for reasons of continuity: One third would be elected in 2022; one third in 2024; and one third in 2026. No longer would there be a need to spend most of the first term campaigning for a second term.
James B. Parry