Snow hammers mountain passes, posing travel risks for weekend travelers

Travelers eyeing a weekend getaway should proceed with caution if the journey includes a mountain pass.
Though the weather turned warm and sunny in Spokane after morning snowfall Thursday, it remains wintry and wretched at higher elevations.
It was still snowing heavily on Friday morning at Snoqualmie and Stevens passes, according to the Washington Department of Transportation.
Stevens Pass was closed Thursday night due to a snowslide, but reopened on Friday morning – with chains required for vehicles without all-wheel drive. The pass received 19 inches of snow overnight.
Stevens, Snoqualmie and Lookout passes were all expected to be affected by continuing snowfall and high winds through Friday night, according to National Weather Service forecasters in Spokane.
Aside from strong wind gusts, the weather in Spokane was expected to be relatively pleasant, with high temperatures reaching 42 degrees Friday.
Saturday is expected to see a high of 42 degrees with plenty of sunshine again, followed by a cloudy 41-degree day Sunday.