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Vaccination lottery

Why do my husband and I feel this vaccination system is a total lottery? For the CHAS vaccinations you have to get online as fast as possible, and still not have a chance of a vaccination.

Why doesn’t Washington keep a list of those who have already registered for eligibility and keep a certain number of slots around the state for the older people in that register (not an organizational problem for government computer experts)? For example, my husband is 89 and we are both registered, but we have to hang around and try to find somewhere where we can get vaccinations (our doctor’s clinic does not have the capability to store enough vaccines).

We see people extremely happy that they have received their first vaccine and have an appointment for the second. I’m very glad for them, but I do worry about my husband, and where we can find a vaccination site. I’m sure we are not the only ones in this this situation locally, and have the same worry.

Valerie Derks

Deer Park

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