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Cleanse the wound first

Our nation has a severe wound, a wound of division and distrust sowed by a divisive and destructive president with a Republican Party complicit in all his actions. The current president’s idea that we can suddenly try to get along in the name of unity for the sake of the country ignores the need to cleanse the wound before moving toward the healing process that he speaks of.

Our country’s most egregious wound, the attack on our democracy created by Trump, and not just supported but also amplified by many Republican congressmembers, is filth that cannot remain. If the Republicans of Congress choose to eschew morality, ignore criminal behavior and acquit, they are by such actions showing that they do not believe in either rule of law or accountability for those who commit crimes.

I and many like me, who have an actual sense of right and wrong, will not forget if they do acquit and this will leave the filth in the wound to create an ugly scar of disgust and distrust, a generational divide that will not heal.

We still have such a wound from the Civil War and how Reconstruction was mishandled, we do not need another that will add to the threat against an already shaky union.

David Cannon


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