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Keystone Pipeline is vital

President Biden has just killed America’s chances of producing its own substantial quantities of medicines, syringes, latex gloves, masks, and anything plastic (produced from oil) by canceling the Keystone Pipeline project.

The oil will now be diverted to China and other countries instead of bolstering our American economy. China and India will continue to have a pharmaceutical stranglehold on America because they manufacture our medicines, medical supplies and PPP. About 97% of our antibiotics are made in China and about 80% of our other medicines are produced overseas - antibiotics and other medicines and ointments are refined from petrochemicals derived from oil.

Help America get the oil needed to build a booming pharmaceutical industry and become independent of China’s dominance and independent of foreign sources for medicines just as we became independent of Middle Eastern oil. The oil from the pipeline will not only improve our medical security but it will be the source for domestic plastics industries as well as contribute to energy independence.

Please, please, please, President Biden, get the Keystone Pipeline project going again. Don’t cripple the American people!

Paul Hyndman


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