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Hike upon hike

It’s inconceivable anyone would ask for more tax dollars considering the economic restrictions our government has imposed.

Schools receive 63% of our tax dollars. County and city increased property taxes to the max allowable, utility rates increasing, city council passed a sales tax, council wants to tax Spokane County residents, 2.9% hike in wastewater and sewer fees, food costs up 20%. School employees receive a paycheck, insurance is paid and no discipline problems. Government workers and politicians, city council receive a pay check, and insurance, more taxes, keeps your jobs, no problem.

We are entering into a very dark time with our country’s debt at $28 trillion and $153 trillion in unfunded liabilities, thus stealing our children’s and grandchildren’s American Dream. The schools, and city, need to live within their means.

Marian Vonada


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