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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The cowardice of Republicans

Are these elected officials so riddled with cowardice and lacking in larger purpose about their responsibilities as public servants that they cannot recognize what they’ve become? Are they so lacking in talent and skill that they cannot imagine getting another job if they do their duty (honor their oath of office) and, as a result, lose an election?

Is the corruption of power so great that they’ll do whatever it takes to hold onto it? I’m talking about Cathy McMorris Rodgers! Cathy seems willing to stand with the rest of the Republicans in the Senate and Congress and not with her constituents. Cathy is so afraid of her glorious fallen leader and her fascist GOP leader in the House, that she is willing to abandon her supporters needing better health care and money to fight the climate crisis, child support, and the list goes on and on. Cathy, do your job or resign!

Dave Robinson


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