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Respect voters’ choices

Voters are tired of their CHOICES being ignored.

Republicans have a new sound bite: Elected leaders are not listening to the people. I have heard this complaint from Chris Cargill up to Cathy McMorris Rodgers. This is a common partisan grievance. However, elected officials who ignore the majority are typically voted out of office. This is democracy.

The much more disturbing behavior is exhibited by Republicans who do not accept election results. This behavior was amplified by Trump and has become the new normal for Republicans who lose elections. This undemocratic behavior is on full display in the Central Valley School Board election. Republicans are trying to invalidate the election of Teresa Landa, who garnered almost 80% of the votes, by again claiming a residency conspiracy. To maintain our democracy, we must all respect voters’ choices.

And kudos to the Spokesman for clearing up the mystery as to why the Washington Policy Center enjoys frequent and prominent positions in its editorial pages.

Jim Baumker

Liberty Lake

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