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Blame game

Regarding Afghanistan: We are dealing with a society and culture which keeps its people stuck in the 7th century. If they wanted change, it is up to them. Imagine if there was no fight against British rule 250 yrs ago? We would be part of the United Kingdom today. So please stop the freaking blame game on Biden or even Trump, or the Democratss or Republicans …

Fact: The US spent over $65 billion training and outfitting a 300,000-strong Afghan army for almost 20 years, thru four presidents. High-tech equipment that now is in the hands of the Taliban, as that cowardly 300,000-strong army cuts and runs, or surrenders … only to be executed.

The blame is solely on the Afghans who don’t have the guts and courage to fight for their country. The Afghan president even fled. The Taliban now have high-tech U.S. equipment, and helicopters and vehicles. This would have happened regardless of who was U.S. president, and regardless of whether we stayed 5, 10 or another 20 years. The blame is on the Afghans.

Richard Trerise


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