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Ballot dropoff troubles

With the primary for City Council District 1 turning out to be so close, I thought I’d share my experience on Election Day.

My son and I went to drop off our ballots, but the first two sites we went to were completely inaccessible due to street construction. Fortunately, we had the time and resources to go to a third site — we dropped off our ballots before the deadline, and our two votes constitute Naghmana Sherazi’s current lead as reported in this paper.

When I checked the Spokane County Election Department website before going out, there was no mention of this. Both boxes were listed as available, with clear directions about how to get to them. I asked the Election Department what happened, and their response was that they were not notified that there would be construction and that they hoped to have better communication with the Street Department in future. I certainly hope so, too.

Nola R. Barrett


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