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Attacking the messenger
Apparently Chris Cargill of the Washington Policy Center takes great offense at being called a right-wing think tank that hides behind the phrase “independent research organization.” (“In search for truth, be careful who you believe,” Aug. 6)
Mr. Cargill seems to claim Mr. Starzynski (“Washington Policy Center is not what it seems,” July 30) shouldn’t be believed because his organization, Accountability Northwest, has a small staff and is funded by — gasp — unions. Or that Accountability Northwest can’t be believed because you might have friends or neighbors who are involved with the WPC.
Then Mr. Cargill claimed Mr. Starzynski called him and the WPC racist. Mr. Starzynski merely pointed out the WPC was parroting the national right-wing talking point that critical race theory was being taught in our schools and furthering division in society.
Nowhere in Mr. Cargill’s column did he refute any of the organizational or funding facts of the Accountability Northwest column; his only legitimate grievance seems to be that Accountability Northwest told the truth about the Washington Policy Center, that they are anything but independent.
Rick Gallinger
Green Acres, Wash.