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Newhouse belittles himself

After reading his guest opinion editorial in the Spokesman-Review on July 24 (“Tracy Stone Manning is dangerous for Washington”), I was appalled to see the way Mr. Newhouse would negatively lash out against Tracy Stone-Manning, who is under consideration to lead the Bureau of Land Management.

I thought Mr. Newhouse was above displaying such hate and anger towards another person. I’m not a friend of either, but to display such bad taste of criticism publicly was disturbing. He is entitled to his free speech even if it belittles him in this article.

Mr. Newhouse is of the opinion that cattle grazing on public lands is definitely OK and points out that Tracy Stone-Manning is against it and should be chastised for it. I went through the effort to take my young son bow hunting one year on public land only to find out that cattle had grazed and eaten the feed and there were no elk to be found anywhere. We packed up after one night and went home early. We had a nice time spending time together but it made a believer out of me that public lands should be left to the native species of wild game that normally inhabit it rather than cattle and sheep.

Mr. Newhouse may want to remember the old proverb: What goes around, comes around.

Jim Kotur

Medical Lake

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